
Artist Statement

My paintings are visual impressions of meaningful places and memorable experiences. 

The process consists of chiseling away from the initial memory until I reach a distilled abstraction. The emphasis is on keeping a balance between the overall impression and elaborate details that bring the viewer added visual surprise. Most importantly I aim to communicate the emotional intention of the painting. It is the color interplay, ‘chiaroscuro’ design and the overall harmony that elicit a visceral reaction.

Much of the inspiration is drawn from the colors, light and patterns of the Tuscan landscapes that surround me; but it is also impacted by the baroque richness of my native Prague. 

My visual language and striving for beauty, have been informed by my scientific background. It fascinates me that scientists find the beauty and elegance of a mathematical formula as a fundamental test. 

The search for aesthetics in painting, I consider an existential proof.